Kamis, 30 Agustus 2018


- Microwave ovens (microwave ovens) are electric cooking utensils that use microwave energy to heat food. In microwave ovens electrical energy is converted into microwave energy, this microwave energy will be converted to heat in heated food molecules.
Material: stainless steel dan enamel akrilik

- Mixing Dough

- Mixing dough is a tool used in making bread and cake dough, to mix a lot of ingredients so that they are quickly mixed.

Material: Stainless steel

- Rolling pin

- Rolling pin is a tool for thinning dough, roling pin is the main tool in making several types of pastry and bakery products, such as puff pastry, danish pastry, croissants, pies, cookies and others. rolling pin there are several types, depending on the material of manufacture, size and usability.
Material: Kayu, plastik dan stainless steel

Hola ...

Thursday 30 August 2018, today we don't know what to do, because yesterday's problem we all became afraid to enter the kitchen greetings, and we just waited behind the kitchen.

Before that, I, as class leader, still carried out checks to check the chiller, gas and toilet. After that we left the kitchen and gathered to determine the solution to our problem, so I returned to the kitchen and took an absence, suddenly Mr. ical. Call and direct us to enter and do normal activities.

What I handle for today is to make the product that we sell tomorrow, which is to treat the fish cimol and fish naget. All of our preparations are made so that tomorrow is finished, and thankfully for today's apparent run well and regularly, and it seems that the boss's anger has subsided and has improved, hehehe


Kamis 30 agustus 2018,hari ini kami tdak tau harus bagaimana, karna masalah kemarin kami semua jadi takut untuk masuk ke salam kitchen, dan kami hanya menunggu di belakang kitchen.

Sebelum itu saya sebagai  ketua kelas masih tetap melakukan ceklis untuk pengecekan kan chiller, gas dan toilet. Setelah itu kami meninggalkan kitchen dan berkumpul untuk menentukan solusi dari masalah kami, jadi saya kembali ke kitchen dan mengambil absen, tiba tiba pak ical. Memanggil dan mengarahkan kami untuk masuk dan melakukan kegiatan biasanya.

Yang saya handle untuk hari ini adalah membuat produk yang akan kami jual besok yaitu membiat cimol ikan dan naget ikan. Semua prepareran kami buat agar besok tinggal di finished, dan syukur untuk hari ini semu berjalan baik dan teratur, dan sepertinya amarah bos genk sudah mereda dan sudah baikan, hehehe


Bread slicer

- Bread cutting machine or commonly called bread slicer, is one of the tools or equipment that must be owned by bakery entrepreneurs and businessmen who own bread and cake factories.

Material: stainless steel

-  Dough sheeter

- Dough Sheeter machine is a machine used to make sheets or strands and roll the dough pieces to the desired thickness. The resulting sheet is smooth, uniform and the porcelain is fast in just a few minutes, the process is faster than using tanga or manual. The dough sheets are used for pizza making, fondant, croissants with perfect cuts.

Material: stainless steel

- Molding Bread

- Molding Bread is a tool that is commonly used when making bread and printed using this tool.

Material: Stainless steel

Hola ....

Today Wednesday, August 29 2018, we satang early in the morning at 6:30 a.m. while waiting for my arrival, I got the turn as the class leader to check all the chillers, gas and toilet.

For today we make sour dough dough, there are 2 types of dough that power for the first for sweet bread dough and the second one for dough bucket for bread making I use
1 kg hard flour
Butter 150 gr
400 ml of water
Leave (sour dough ) 150 gr
Sugar 80 gr
Salt 1/2 tbsp
Milk powder 20 gr
Egg 3 pcs

But today everything my friends and I did was messed up, nothing was done, we dawned on it by Pak ica because we didn't do the sales and sour dough products that other groups did not finish yet.

So we are in the 5th semester, one class is told to go home all and don't go into the kitchen, so we all go home and wait for the decision from the boss.

Hari ini rabu 29 agustus 2018,kami satang pagi jam 06.30 sambil menunggu pak ical datang saya yang mendapat giliran sebagai ketua kelas mengecek semua chiler, gas dan toilet.

Untuk hari ini kami membuat  adonan sour dough, ada 2 macam adonan yang daya buat yang pertama untuk adonan roti manis dan yang kedua untuk adonan bucket untuk pembuatan roti  saya menggunakan
Hard flour 1 kg
Butter  150 gr
Air 400 ml
Leave (biang sour dough) 150 gr
Sugar 80 gr
Salt 1/2 tbsp
Milk powder 20 gr
Egg 3 pcs

Tapi hari ini semua yang saya dan teman teman saya lakukan kacau balau, semua tidak ada yang beres, kami d maeahi oleh pak ical karna kami tdak melakuka  produk penjualan dan sour dough yang d kerjakan oleh kelompok lain banyak belum selesai.

Jadi kami semester 5 satu kelas di suruh untuk pulang semuanya dan jangan masuk ke kitchen, jadi kami semua pulang dan menunggu keputusan dari bos genk.

Selasa, 28 Agustus 2018


Chiller room

- Chille room is a machine that transfers heat from a liquid through the work of a steam compression or absorption refrigeration cycle, this liquid can then be circulated through a heat exchanger to cold air or other equipment that requires.

Material: Stainless steel

- Pallete knife

- Palette knife is a blunt tool used to mix or apply food ingredients and others in the kitchen.

Material: Stainless steel

- Bread Knife

- Bread knife is a knife that is specialized to cut various kinds of bread.

Material: Stainless steel

Hola ....

Tuesday August 28 2018, the day we want to come at 6:30 to prepare and directly market the produck that we made, that is, the mtbgenk hotdog, we made with the innovations we made and the makeshift ingredients we sold as many as 50 pcs and everything had to run out before the technical came.

After that we immediately prepared food which will be served by the rector of Poltekpar Makasar Sebayak 40 pax. For the next activity we make a preparation for tomorrow which is to make small cake and make bread using sour dough.

After everything was done, it was time for us to take a short break and have lunch, then we immediately did a general cleaning or GC then waited for the time to go home.

Selasa 28 agustus 2018,hari ingin  kami datang jam 06.30 untuk menyipakan serta langsung memasarkan produck yang kami buat yaitu hotdog ala mtbgenk, kami membuat dengan inovasi yang kami buat dan bahan seadanya kami memjual sebanyak 50 pcs dan semuanya harus habis sebelum pak ical datang.

Sesudah itu kami langsung menyiapkan makanan yang akan di sajikan d lauge rektorat poltekpar makasar sebayak 40 pax. Untuk kegiatan selanjutnya kami membuat preparation untuk besok yaitu membuat small cake dan membuat bread menggunakan sour dough.

Setelah semua selesai di buat, waktunya kami istirahat sebentar dan makan siang, lalu kami langsung melakukan general cleaning atau GC kemudian menunggu waktu pulang.

Senin, 27 Agustus 2018


PIZZA CUTTER merupakan peralatan yang biasa di gunakan untuk memotong pizza menjadi beberapa bagian.

SPOID PASTRY merupakan peralatan yang biasa di gunakan di dalam kitchen khususnya di pastry sebagai spoid atau sebagai dekorasi  pada kue pastry.

 DIGITAL SCALL merupakan peralatan yang diguanakan untuk menimbang bahan dalam mempersiapkan atau membuat sesuatu.

Holaa ....

Today August 27 2018, we are doing practical activities in the kitchen poltekpar makasar, the activity that we do today is to make prefentation for the products that will be prepared for tomorrow's lunch and make food for sale.

The thing that I made was cheese tarlet, not a lot of what I made was only 30 pieces, but it worked too long. To make it for the tarlet, it still uses a standard recipe, that is

Flour 200 gr
Sugar 2 tbsp
Maisena 2 tbs
Egg 2pcs
Butter 150 gr

For filling or filling cheeses, namely
Cream cheese 200 gr
Butter 30 gr
Sugar 75 gr
Milk 130 gr
White egg 3pcs
Egg yolk 3 pcs
Flour 20gr
Maisena 10 gr
Cream of tartar 1/2 tbsp

For baking time between 1-1 and half hours with a temperature of 150 degrees Celsius. (always cwk for better maturity).

And as usual after all is done, prepare us directly, GC or general cleaning is assisted by semester 1.

Hari ini 27 agustus 2018,kami melakukan kegiatan praktek di kitchen poltekpar makasar, kegiatan yang kami lakukan hari ini adalah membuat prefentation untuk  produk yang akan di siapkan untuk makan siang besok serta membuat makanan untuk di jual.

Hal yang saya buat adalah cheese tarlet, yang saya buat tidak banyak cuma 30 buah, tapi kerjanya culup lama juga. Untuk k membuatnya untuk tarletnya masih menggunakan resep yang standar yaitu

Flour  200 gr
Sugar 2 tbsp
Maisena 2 tbs
Egg 2 pcs
Butter 150 gr

Untuk isian atau filling cheesenya yaitu
Cream cheese  200 gr
Butter 30 gr
Sugar 75 gr
Milk 130 gr
White egg 3pcs
Egg yolk 3 pcs
Flour 20gr
Maisena 10 gr
Cream of tartar 1/2 tbsp

Untuk waktu pemanggangan antara 1-1 setengah jam  dengan suhu 150 derajat Celsius. (selalu di cwk agar kematangan lebih baik).

Dan seperti biasa setelah semua selesai d prepare kami langsung gc atau general cleaning di bantu oleh semester 1.

Rabu, 15 Agustus 2018


1.Meat Tenderizer

Meat tenderizer, meat mallet, or meat pounder is a hand-powered tool used to ternderize slabs of meat in preparation for cooking. Although a meat tenderizer can be made out of virtually any object, there are three types manufactured specifically for tenderizing meat.
Material is: Stainless Steel

2. Food Serving Tong

food tong is a tool for clamping and lifting food to be moved to another place.
Material is: Stainless steel

3. Sharpener

Knife sharpening is the process of making a knife or similar tool sharp by grinding against a hard, rough surface, typically a stone, or a soft surface with hard particles, such as sandpaper. Additionally, a leather razor strop, or strop, is often used to straighten and polish an edge.
Material is: Stainless steel

Hola ...

Today Wednesday August 15 2015, today we create and decorate the cake decor that we made as desired. 
The cake that I made I smeared with brown mirror glasse, and the result was tetetttt. 

Well and for today there are also groups that are working on the brekfast menu for Thursday, so everything that will be set up tomorrow will be made today, for the cake we made will be given to the study program and staff who are on campus and there are also that will go outside. 

The ones who do the products today are sigit and majestic, oh yeah today there is still no percentage because the conditions are not possible, but today oak ical shows how to make bread from the sour dough that has been made, and each group makes the mixture usually called leave. 

After that, we do general. Klining, and we are all collected today to close the disnatalise event that will be carried out later.


Hari ini rabu 15 agustus 2015,kegiatan hari ini kami membuat dan sekaligus menghias cake decor yang kami buat sesuai keinginan.

Kue yang saya buat saya lumuri dengan coklat mirror glasse, dan hasilnya tetetetttt.

Yaa dan untuk hari ini ada juga kelompok yang mengerjakan menu brekfast untuk hari kamis, jadi semua yang akan d set up besok akan d buat hari ini, untuk cake yang kami buat akan d berikan kepada program study dan staf yang ada d kampus serta ada juga yang akan di jial ke luar.

Yang melakukan produk hari ini adalaj sigit dan agung, ohh iya hari ini masih belum ada persentase karna kondisi yang tidak memungkinkan, tapi hari ini oak ical menunjukan cara membuat roti dari sour dough yang sudah jadi, dan Masing-masing kelompok membuat adonannya atau biangnya yang biasa di sebut leave.

Setelah iti barulah kita melakukan general. Klining, dan kami semua hari ini d kumpulkan untuk merapatkan acra disnatalise yang akan d laksanakan nanti.

Selasa, 14 Agustus 2018


Kitchen Tools

Noodle Dought Machine

Material made from stainles steel

Funcion to form the dought into noodles

How to clean it rub with chemical than rinse with water and let it dry


Material made from stainles steel

Funcion to toasting bread

How to clean it rub using a damp cloth let it dry


Material made from stainles steel

Funcion to keep vegetable and fruits fresh

How to clean it rub using a damp cloth let it dry

Hola .... Tuesday August 14 2018, today there is no percentage that we do because we also have to move the workplace, the pastry will move to the classroom for a while, because the pastry is being renofated.

 Today we all don't make croisants, for today all make sponge cake, and my group gets cremeux carle, making it only for a short time we divide the work that makes new dough and some make the dough made yesterday.

Yes, and to work on me and Hana, who worked on it and to burn sponges, was the duty of the Director General. After everything was done, we took a short break while entertaining ourselves with the song of the asiatic singing. Yes, as usual, of course, we also conduct general clening activities and surely we will help you, adek adek and our junior is sku, after that we can rest as much as we can while waiting for the time to go home

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hola ........... Hari ini senin 29 oktober 2018,kegitan untu praktek hari ini tdak banyak yang saya lakukan hanya sembari duduk di kelas m...

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